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sweet spot

$550.00 package

The Sweet Spot Package is designed for our client who has an almost completed room or freshening up an exisitng room. In this 5 step package we will give you everything you need to provide the perfect finishing touch.


We would like to get to know you. Spend a complimentary 30 minutes with us on Skype or Facetime. We'd like to talk through your space, what you would like to achieve and collect information to prepare an interactive Design Brief before we begin the creative process.



design BRIEF

From the information we gather from you in conversation and photographs of your room we prepare a Design Brief for your review and approval.


Based on your approved  Design Brief we create you a Secret Mood Board on The Conceptory Pinterest wall. We will invite you to join your Mood Board where we can interact visually to define your style.



accessory BOARD

We will prepare an Accessory Board consisting of visual decorative recommendations for your room. It is coded to cross-reference the Source List, room photographs and information on where to place items, hang artworks and locate small furnishing items.



source list

The Source List consolidates all of the information on the Mood and Accessory Boards. It will list suppliers, quantity, size and price with a ClickOn option to purchase directly from the vendor websites.


Remember, this is your home, our recommendations are not final. You are free to select alternatives from anywhere you choose, and if you need to ... come back and talk to us.  

We will be back soon, we are currently refining our services and offerings and upgrading our website to better suit your requirements. 

We are still here to serve you ... so ... if you need us, reach out

designed by The Conceptory © 2016 The Conceptory

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